Every year, more baby boomers reach retirement age. If you haven’t begun seriously planning for your own future yet, it’s important to start as soon as possible. But even if you are building up your savings, you might not be doing it as wisely as you could. Here are some of the top mistakes that baby boomers make with their IRA or 401(k) plans.

Failing to Withdraw the Required Minimum Distribution
Once you reach retirement age, the IRS requires you to withdraw a certain minimum amount from your IRA. This is called the Required Minimum Distribution (RMD). Unfortunately, many people fail to take out that money, fearing that it will deplete their savings.

However, not doing this actually puts you in more financial jeopardy. If you don’t withdraw the annual RMD, you could be charged penalties of up to 50%, which curtails your IRA’s growth and ends up depleting it more quickly than if you had simply taken the money.

Borrowing from Your 401(k)
Your 401(k) is there to provide for your retirement. But what if you run into financial troubles before that? It can be tempting, if a large emergency expense comes along, to dip into your savings in order to cover it. But this is a bad idea.

Even if you do pay the money back in full before you reach retirement age (which is difficult), you’ll also have to pay penalty fees for early withdrawal. Plus, taking out a lump sum, instead of incremental payments, diminishes the additional interest you’ll earn on your savings. If you need extra cash, find another source besides your 401(k).

Putting Your Money in a Trust

Rather than borrowing against your retirement fund, you might decide on the opposite course of action: putting the money into a trust for later use. Unfortunately, this carries with it a lot of the same problems as raiding your 401(k) early. First, you’ll be charged taxation fees. And if you take out the money before the age of 59.5, you’ll accrue an additional penalty of 10%. Leave your money alone to grow on its own, and don’t touch it until you’re ready for it.

Investing in Company Stocks

This is more of a risky move than a cut and dried mistake. Stock investments have the potential to produce huge payouts. However, if you’re not careful, you can also lose a large chunk of your savings. You never know how a company you’ve put money into will perform over time. If one such business has a bad year, or even goes under, you can be left with next to nothing. Experts advise putting no more than 10% of your IRA into company stocks.

Even more dangerous is putting all your money – and faith – in your employer’s stock.  As poorer-but-wiser ex-employees of Enron and current employees of Wells Fargo can tell you, just because you work for a company it’s no guarantee they’re being honest with you about what’s driving the stock price, and where the business is headed.  As in every area of finance, it’s a horrible idea to put all your eggs in any one basket.

Not Diversifying Your Portfolio

This goes hand in hand with the above point. Many people have a “favorite” type of investment, which they think will bring the biggest return, or the safest payout. Often, the temptation is to put all or most of your money into that particular venture in the hope of maximizing your IRA or 401(k).

However, no investment is without its risks. If an unexpected disaster occurs, you could be left with nothing. This is what happened in 2008. The stock market crashed, and IRAs and 401(k)s were decimated overnight.

Even bonds, once considered among the safest investments of all, are a risk these days. Returns are diminishing, while incremental inflation rises, causing people to lose money.

Thus, the smart thing is to spread your investments out across multiple outlets. That way even if trouble arises with one, you’re only out a relatively small amount of money, and you still have the rest to fall back on.

These are just a few of the mistakes that baby boomers can make as they try to plan for their retirement. But you don’t have to fall into these traps. Do your research, stay informed, and make sure that, when you do ultimately leave the workforce, you’ve set up your IRA and/or 401(k) to provide the maximum benefit to you with the minimum hassle.

Gold Investment is the alternative currency that can safeguard you from these types of events. Putting a portion of your savings into this precious metal will help protect you. Download your free self directed IRA rollover gold IRA information kit today.


With all that is going on with the wild and unpredictable U.S. election season, it is easy to forget that a potentially more cataclysmic campaign is underway in Italy over in Europe. At stake is the future of Italy in the European Union. More than this, the whole future of the European Union project is actually on the ballot.

December 4th is the day when Italians will vote whether or not to back the significant constitutional reforms on which Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has staked his political future. More important than the actual reforms is what will happen if Renzi loses the referendum. You could call this vote Brexit on steroids for the sake of the European Union.

Politicians across the spectrum in Italy have joined in unprecedented unity against the referendum in the past weeks and months. Last week the former Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti announced he is against the referendum. Long time Italian Premier Silvio Berlesconi is also campaigning against it. All the opposition party leaders in Italy are as well.

So far, analysts have been mostly looking at opinion polls to try to decide if Italy will really go against the prime minister and trigger the resignation he has promised if he fails. The problem with a general election now is that opinion polls show that opposition leader Beppe Grillo, head of the populist Five Star Movement, will win the majority in parliament and become the next prime minister of Italy if Renzi is forced to resign.

Grillo has promised a referendum on continued use of the euro currency in Italy. Polls again show that most Italians are in favor of leaving the euro zone to go back to the Italian lira. This would mean Italy withdrawing from the currency union of the block, if not outright from the European Union itself.

Especially this soon after Brexit, the EU can not afford to suffer a core member (with the third largest economy left in the block) choosing to abandon the European project now. Other countries would likely choose to follow suit, and the entire fifty year project in Europe could easily unwind.

How likely is this to happen? The Euro zone banking system keeps track of inflows and outflows of Euro currency from one country to another. Italy’s central bank has been recording a lot of liabilities to the Euro system as deposits leave the country lately.

By the end of September, these represented 354 billion euros, an amount that is 118 billion higher from the same time last year and 78 billion higher since the end of May. While the flow of money leaving Italy for mostly Germany is not yet as big as during the European sovereign debt crisis in 2012, it is substantial and growing.

One of the main explanations for why money is leaving Italy in such significant amounts is that people do not want to risk their Italian Euros being converted to Italian lira. This could realistically happen if populist leader Beppe Grillo wins the national elections on the back of a failed referendum vote.

You should be concerned about the fate of the European Union, even though it may seem far away. It is the largest economic and trading block in the world. Its major banks are interconnected with American financial institutions on several levels. An economic catastrophe like a major unwinding in European economic integration means a severe blow to the world and also American economies.

You can protect yourself against economic fallout from the situations like the Italian referendum. Now is the time to place a portion of your retirement money or savings into gold. Gold shines its brightest in times of economic uncertainty and collapse. Click here to download your free Gold IRA information package to learn how you can roll over part of your retirement account to gold and silver.

Gold Investment is the alternative currency that can safeguard you from these types of events. Putting a portion of your savings into this precious metal will help protect you. Download your free self directed IRA rollover gold IRA information kit today.


In only the past eight years, the aggregate U.S. government debt has soared by a historically unparalleled $9 trillion. Since President Obama took office, it has exploded from $10.6 trillion to reach $19.7 trillion. This nearly doubling of the public debt in under a decade should concern you.

The trend does not look to be reversing any time soon either. For the fiscal year 2016 the Federal government just closed the books on, the Feds poured another $1.4 trillion on to the mountain of debt. This is the third highest annual debt increase in American history, and all when neither a war was being fought nor any significant improvements made in the national infrastructure.

With the trend rapidly accelerating towards national insolvency, you might say that the U.S. election is merely a battle for who will be the next captain of the already sinking Titanic. Yet Joseph Stiglitz the Nobel Prize winner for economics argues that there is no reason to be concerned regarding the enormous national debt.

He goes so far as to claim that if you do make a big deal about it, you do not grasp economics. In fact it makes him crazy that everyone “gets this wrong about the economy.”

Per Joseph Stiglitz, no one looks at only a major company’s debt when considering its future prospects. You would also take into consideration a variety of other characteristics, such as its income, assets, and growth before you make a determination of the financial status of the company.

To be fair, Stiglitz is right about these other factors mattering. If you look at a country like Norway or Switzerland, you do see nations whose debt pales in comparison to their income, assets, and growth. Sadly, the United States is not a country on this positive fiscal short list.

Determining this is not rocket science, thanks to the U.S. Treasury Department. They put out periodic financial statements that relay the government’s income versus expenses and liabilities versus assets.

The first part of the equation is not pretty. The government is hemorrhaging out literally billions of dollars every year in substantially greater expenses than income. The trend continues to be negative.

Regarding the liabilities measured against assets, the balance sheet is similarly underwater. The Federal Government itself admits to having only $3.2 trillion worth of assets at the same time as it boasts $21.4 trillion in liabilities.

This equates to a negative net balance sheet total of -$18.2 trillion. It is an untenable negative position no country or company has ever been in throughout the history of the entire world.

A significant number of economists will insist that the American government has other assets that translate to trillions of dollars. Among these are the military, the taxing authority of the federal government, and even the federal highway network. If you are going to count these as assets, you should not forget the more than $40 trillion worth of liabilities that are not funded in Social Security and Medicare.

You should also be aware of the fact that the debt load of the United States is amassing at a significantly faster pace than the growth rate of the underlying economy. Consider the fact that when President Obama began serving, the public debt of the U.S. represented 73% of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product. In 2016 this figure is 105%. The economy may have grown in those eight years, but the debt growth has outpaced it massively.

You can protect yourself by keeping a portion of your savings in gold. Gold has no counter party risk and is not an institution that can fail on you. Get started by requesting your free information kit from Regal Assets today.

Gold Investment is the alternative currency that can safeguard you from these types of events. Putting a portion of your savings into this precious metal will help protect you. Download your free self directed IRA rollover gold IRA information kit today.


In the last few days, gold has been on a losing streak. Last Tuesday, gold prices fell by $42 per ounce – 3.3% – the biggest single-day drop in value in nearly three years.

Does that mean gold has resumed its long-term downtrend since it reached its all-time high of $1,923.70 per ounce in 2011? Some analysts predict gold prices will fall another 20% or more before stabilizing.

That’s certainly what central banks and governments would like you to believe. But it’s not how the world’s richest investors and central banks themselves are investing.

Billionaire George Soros, for instance, recently sold stocks and instead bought gold and shares of gold mining companies. The world’s central banks are buying gold at the fastest pace in decades, adding nearly 500 tons of gold to their vaults in 2015. The pace increased in 2016; central bank demand in the first three months climbed 28% versus the previous year.

A big reason people are piling into gold is the lack of other good options.

Take bank accounts, for instance. When you deposit money into your bank account, from a legal point of view, it’s no longer your money. You become an unsecured creditor holding an IOU.

Not that long ago, you could earn 5% or more in accounts at US banks, which offset some of this risk. But no more. Today, you’re lucky to earn one-tenth that much. In some countries, money on deposit in a bank earns a negative interest rate.

That’s right. You turn over your money to a bank for safekeeping, lose legal ownership of it, and pay the bank for the right to keep it there.

But how safe is the money you have on deposit in a bank? Not very safe at all. In the US, the five largest banks have a capital ratio of only 6%. In effect, if depositors in these banks demand their money back, these banks could repay only six cents on the dollar before they ran out of money.

Sure, there’s always deposit insurance. In the US, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) guarantees bank deposits up to $250,000 from losses due to bank insolvency. But for every $100 on deposit, the FDIC has only $1.15 with which to back it.

Doesn’t that make you feel warm and fuzzy about the safety of your bank deposits?

Then there’s the “bail-in” phenomenon, which first emerged during the 2013 banking collapse in Cyprus. Some uninsured depositors got half of their money back, although at one bank, customers received nothing over the “insured” amount.

Billionaires and central banks, of course, also purchase bonds. These securities at least can’t be bailed in. But there’s a reason my colleague Doug Casey calls bonds “instruments of guaranteed confiscation.”

First, interest rates are the lowest they’ve ever been in at least 5,000 years. Indeed, more than $13 trillion in bonds with negative interest rates are now sloshing through the global financial system. Just a 0.1% increase in interest rates could lead to losses of $1 trillion in bond portfolios.

Second, the credit quality of bond issuers has declined sharply in recent years. That’s particularly true of government bonds. For instance, credit ratings firm Fitch has downgraded 15 nations in the first half of 2016. That compares with a previous high of 20 downgrades for all of 2011.

How about the stock market? While US stocks are trading at close to record levels, the biggest investors are fleeing stocks at the fastest pace in years. Investors have dumped more than $150 billion in mutual funds so far in 2016. That’s more than two times the amount in all of 2015 and the most in any year since 2008. As I mentioned above, billionaire Soros recently placed a huge bet on plummeting US stock prices.

That leaves physical assets – things like real estate, collectibles, and of course gold. All of these items have a place in your portfolio, if only because they have intrinsic value and can’t be bailed in.

Only gold has a 5,000-year track record of preserving wealth. Indeed, the very first Egyptian dynasty in 3100 BC referred to gold in its legal code. The Bible mentions gold more than 400 times and repeatedly refers to gold as money.

Today, there’s another important reason billionaires are turning to gold: privacy. Unlike most other financial assets, it’s possible to store gold privately – in some cases, even anonymously. And unlike foreign bank or securities accounts, US taxpayers can still store certain forms of gold offshore without needing to report it to Uncle Sam. That may be one reason that in the first six months of 2016, nearly 1,400 tons of gold, with a value of $40 billion, were imported into Switzerland.

In Austria, next door to Switzerland, you can actually store gold anonymously at two private vaults. By anonymous, I mean just that; you can begin a relationship at one of these vaults by identifying yourself as Wonder Woman, Jason Bourne, Morpheus, or any other name you choose. There’s no need to show a passport or provide any identification at all. You simply pay for your safe deposit box, choose a code word, and go. If you don’t want a paper trail of bills from the vault, you can pay up to five years in advance.

Even a small box at one of these vaults will hold well over $1 million in gold coins. If you’re a US citizen, you need not make an annual filing to report its existence – or the value it represents – to your friendly Big Brother, the IRS.

The fact that gold retains this key privacy advantage doesn’t please the powers that be. Last year, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), which bills itself as developing and promoting policies to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, warned that gold was being used by criminals and terrorists to launder money.

Sadly, it’s probably just a matter of time before governments crack down on anonymous gold storage. But even if that occurs, gold will retain its intrinsic value and serve as an incredibly useful alternative to more mainstream investments. Best of all, you don’t need to be a billionaire to own it – even anonymously.

You can protect yourself by keeping a portion of your savings in gold. Gold has no counter party risk and is not an institution that can fail on you. Get started by requesting your free information kit from Regal Assets today.

Gold Investment is the alternative currency that can safeguard you from these types of events. Putting a portion of your savings into this precious metal will help protect you. Download your free self directed IRA rollover gold IRA information kit today.


This past weekend Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates the $160 billion investment firm, addressed a packed room of central bankers at the 40th Annual Banking Seminar of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The message he brought was sobering.

“Japan is closest to its limits, Europe is a step behind it, the US is a step or two behind Europe, and China is a few steps behind the United States. This is a global problem,” he told the silent stunned audience. “The biggest issue is that there is only so much one can squeeze out of a debt cycle, and most countries are approaching those limits.”

Dalio was referring ominously to the decades-long debt super cycle which has been underway and is rapidly coming to a close. He warned about a near-future big squeeze. The world’s biggest economies, including Japan, The United States, Europe, and China have run up unprecedented levels of debt and are getting dangerously close to their limits.

Dalio is not alone in sounding the alarm. The International Monetary Fund also chimed in last week with their announcement that the total worldwide debt has reached a historical high mark of $152 trillion. This eye watering number represents about two times the amount of the entire global economy.

The trend is worsening too. Over $5 trillion in brand new debt has been wracked up in the first three quarters of 2016. The year is on course to defeat the prior 2006 all time high. Countries from Japan to South Korea to Italy have broken their records for levels of public debt.

These international debt levels do not even take into account other underfunded future obligations for pension and healthcare programs. Dalio said it best when he reminded the crowd of an embarrassing truth they already know. “There are too many promises that can’t be kept, not only in the form of debt, but also in the form of health care and pension costs.”

You may shrug this off as a foreign issue. While this is a global problem, it is also dangerously an American one. The 2016 fiscal year for the U.S. government represented the third biggest growth in the federal debt in all of American history. The only two times that beat it were the years of the financial crisis and Great Recession.

The problem is that 2016 was not a year of financial crisis. It represented a year of growth in the world economy, the U.S., and the developed world. Despite this, corporate debt for the year also has broken its old record, as have credit card and student debt in the U.S. As Dalio has warned, debt is now in a major bubble itself.

When you see this bubble pop and/or interest rates rise (one will likely cause the other), the U.S. and other heavily indebted nations will no longer be able to service the interest on their debts, let alone hope to repay them.

On top of this, the major economies’ central banks have printed enormous quantities of money by expanding their balance sheets to all time highs (including the Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, the People’s Bank of China, the Bank of Japan, the Swiss National Bank, and the Bank of England). As they are all in over their heads, this could cause major global inflation at the same time.

Is your portfolio properly diversified?

Placing some of your savings and retirement holdings into gold is your surest hedge in financially unstable times like these. It is nearly 35% below its all time high of over $1,900 per ounce. Click here to request your free gold info kit from Regal Assets, one of the top ranked companies in the industry that specializes in Gold IRA investments.

Gold Investment is the alternative currency that can safeguard you from these types of events. Putting a portion of your savings into this precious metal will help protect you. Download your free self directed IRA rollover gold IRA information kit today.


The once prosperous farming powerhouse nation of Zimbabwe is an excellent case study in what happens when you refuse to learn from your mistakes. In the early 2000’s, the country decided to go on a money printing spree. In just 2001, the prices of retail goods doubled.

Rather than take a step back and try to reduce inflation, the Zimbabwean government printed money faster to try to get out ahead of it. They had to print enormous new currency denominations that started with thousand and ten thousand Zimbabwe dollar notes and finally reached million, billion, and at last trillion dollar notes.

The hyperinflation in this South African nation skyrocketed to the point that by 2007, the country’s prices doubled approximately every day. Economists have estimated that the hyperinflation actually reached 500 billion percent. This is a staggering figure your mind can not practically understand.

The nightmare ended in 2009 when the government gave up on their currency and the country turned into an economy with hard currency. Businesses and consumers there have utilized other nation’s currencies including American dollars, pounds, euros, Chinese Yuan, and South African rand since then.

You would think that the dictator Robert Mugabe and his cronies would have learned the lesson finally. Yet now their government is beginning to print money again called “bond notes.” The best part is that this time, they are promising they will use restraint and limit the quantities they print. This is precisely what they promised 15 years ago.

It is all too easy to hold up this example and scoff, yet the U.S. and other western developed nations are making similar repetitive mistakes where their banks are concerned. Ten years ago, the banks were dangerously undercapitalized and used sneaky accounting ploys like credit default swaps to hide their dangerous exposure to risk. The largest collapse since the Great Depression resulted starting in 2007 and 2008 in the form of the Financial Crash and Great Recession.

You would think we had learned from our mistakes. Today, the Western banking systems are again perilously undercapitalized and wracking up even more enormous dollar amounts of credit default swaps and other risk instruments. In Europe they are even passing negative interest rates on to customers as their countries’ central banks desperately try to kick start growth by any means they can.

You at least as an individual can learn from these past mistakes which are being repeated. Remember that as a deposit holder in one of the major banks, you are simply an unsecured creditor of an institution whose only hope for a bailout next time lies in the worn out mantra “too big too fail.” This next time, the $20 trillion in debt U.S. government will not be able to save the entire banking system. Only a fool puts all of his hard earned money at risk this way.

There is no reason to keep all of your hard earned assets in near zero interest paying accounts while you wait for the scheming banks to once again go up in flames more severely than previously. Gold protected people in the last financial crisis, and it will again, as it always does.

Now is the time to park a portion of your savings and assets into the ultimate financial insurance policy of gold. It is not tied to the actions of a central bank and has no risk of collapse or counter party risk attached to it like the commercial banks. Click here to request your free gold IRA rollover kit from Regal Assets to learn more about how you can protect your portfolio by adding physical gold and silver.

Gold Investment is the alternative currency that can safeguard you from these types of events. Putting a portion of your savings into this precious metal will help protect you. Download your free self directed IRA rollover gold IRA information kit today.


Despite recent falls in the price of gold, now may be the time to add exposure to the precious metal thanks to demand from Asia, experts suggest.

Gold prices performed well earlier through 2016, hitting a two-year high of $1,366 per ounce in July this year, but have since slumped. Prices are down 6 percent over the past two weeks and finished around $1,254 at the end of Monday trading. Year-to-date, gold prices are up 18 percent.

However, many are seeing this as a price correction, which may be a good opportunity for investors looking to add exposure to the yellow metal and build more favorable positions.

Gold bars are seen in the Austrian Mint (Muenze Oesterreich) headquarters in Vienna

According to experts at UBS, gold is trading above its 200-day moving average and pent-up demand in China may prove beneficial.

“We think that the recent price correction and sizeable decline in positioning improves the risk-reward for gold, allowing those who are looking to build longer-term gold exposures to build positions at better levels,” said Joni Teves, a UBS strategist, in a research note.

“Given cross-currents of factors and risks, we think there is room for investors to be patient in terms of timing the rebuilding of gold positions from here.”

The main reason for gold’s recent slip is the rising strength of the dollar, as well as strong yields on U.S. bonds.

But several factors are set to boost gold prices into the end of the year.

“With India as one of the world’s largest gold consumers approaching the festive season, we are optimistic that a surge in demand will push the market prices internationally,” said chief executive and Founder of Sun Global Investments, Mihir Kapadia, in a press release.

“Other international factors we are taking into consideration include the US Presidential elections and the Fed interest rates where Gold and the dollar can rally.”

On the other hand, some remain bearish about the prospects of gold.

“In the longer term, prices are on a gradual downtrend reflecting the fading of safe-haven demand on the back of slowly receding growth risks and contained inflationary pressures. In the short term, prices fluctuate with the US dollar and shifting expectations about the next interest-rate hike,” warned Norbert Rücker, head of commodities research at Julius Baer, in a note.

“The lack of safe-haven buying, the risk of profit taking on futures markets and the outlook for a stronger U.S. dollar suggest further pressure on gold and we thus maintain a cautious view.”

Gold Investment is the alternative currency that can safeguard you from these types of events. Putting a portion of your savings into this precious metal will help protect you. Download your free self directed IRA rollover gold IRA information kit today.



Deutsche Bank has become the latest “too big to fail” bank that is in trouble. First it was Italian banks led by Monte Paschi. As you read in our email a few weeks ago, Italian banks are up to their ears in bad debt on their books.

The London based Financial Times broke the story that bad loans in Italy represent 18% of all loans on the Italian banks’ books. The worst of these is Monte Paschi, the oldest Italian lender and third largest bank in Italy. It is in the middle of a “recapitalization effort” to sell off upwards of 28 billion euros in troubled non performing loans with the help of an Italian government guarantee.

Next Wells Fargo shocked the banking world when the respected, historical American institution (that also happens to be one of the five largest in the U.S.) acknowledged that it had opened over 2 million different unauthorized checking, savings, and credit card accounts to meet sales targets and goals. Fully 5,300 Wells Fargo employees were fired for the practices, and the bank got off light with $185 million in fines. This is chump change compared to the $2 billion class action lawsuit filed on behalf of current and former employees who were fired or demoted for not engaging in such deceitful and unethical banking practices.

Enter the latest major problem bank, Germany’s largest financial institution Deutsche Bank. The bank’s headlines over the last week ranged from an eyebrow raising “Deutsche Bank Denies that CEO John Cryan Has Asked Merkel for Support” to one reminiscent of the 2008 Financial Crisis with “Deutsche Bank Can Only Be Saved by the German Government.” This time a bank has run afoul of the U.S. Justice Department (as with Britain’s HSBC and France’s Societe Generale a few years ago).

The Justice Department has accused Deutsche Bank of underhanded and unethical tactics in its efforts to sell the famously doomed mortgage backed securities leading up to the 2008 financial crash. The U.S. government is recommending an incredible $14 billion fine for these practices. This amount is so large that the German government may be forced to pay the fine for its largest home based bank.

It seems that the entire market cap of the largest German bank by assets has dropped over 50% in 2016 alone. It is now down to a paltry $16 billion. Obviously, this means the bank can not come up with the cash to front a $14 billion fine, or even one anywhere near this enormous amount. German analysts such as Stefan Müller of the Frankfurt based DGWA research firm claim that only a timely and “substantial intervention” from the German government will save the bank from a complete collapse.

You may wonder why the problems with litigation, fines, and lack of profitability of a bank in Europe should concern you personally. These major banks are all interconnected to each other by derivatives exposure to one another’s debt. If Deutsche Bank were to collapse, this would create major uncertainty and unknown amounts of counter party losses at the likes of such major institutions as Citibank, JPMorgan Chase, and Goldman Sachs. The pain of the last financial crisis should still be fresh enough in your mind to remember what happened after investment bank Lehman Brothers suddenly collapsed.

A bigger concern surrounds how large a bailout might be needed from the German government to contain the crisis. International Managing Partner Paul Gambles of MBMG believes the exposure could be larger than the resources of the entire German government. “If Deutsche Bank goes, it would take the German economy, the euro zone banking system, the euro zone economy, the Chinese banking system and the global economy with it,” he stated.

You can protect yourself by keeping a portion of your savings in gold. Gold has no counter party risk and is not an institution that can fail on you. Get started by requesting your free information kit from Regal Assets today.

Gold Investment is the alternative currency that can safeguard you from these types of events. Putting a portion of your savings into this precious metal will help protect you. Download your free self directed IRA rollover gold IRA information kit today.


Recently, we explained how market manipulation on the part of governments and central banks is keeping gold prices artificially low.

That means that at current prices, gold is undervalued, making now an excellent buying opportunity for investors who are looking to buy precious metals to protect their retirement savings.

History clearly shows us that in times of financial collapse, volatility or geopolitical instability, gold maintains its value or even rises in price as investors flee paper assets in search of a safe haven. Massive levels of government debt, round after round of quantitative easing, a stock market bubble that’s due to crash any day, and worldwide economic and political turmoil from Greece to the Middle East means the next major economic shock is just around the corner. When it hits, investors will realize the true value of gold as the only true currency and safe store of wealth.

Do you want to wait and buy then, when everyone else is scrambling to secure gold and protect their savings, driving prices sky-high? Or would you rather plan for the worst now, buying gold at bargain prices while everyone else is caught up in the latest stock market madness?

Gold prices are like a train about to start moving – and you want to be seated and ready to go before it takes off.

Gold Investment is the alternative currency that can safeguard you from these types of events. Putting a portion of your savings into this precious metal will help protect you. Download your free self directed IRA rollover gold IRA information kit today.


It hadn’t happened before, at least not since US presidents started visiting foreign countries after the Second World War.

In early September, when President Obama landed at Hangzhoi for the G-20 summit in early September, the CIA security men were told in no uncertain terms by the Chinese that they were not in charge of landing arrangements, and that the President would disembark by the rear exit. It had the hallmarks of a calculated snub, as did the obligatory photograph of the world’s leaders, where the President was placed firmly on the far left, and not near the centre, which is customary.

Barak Obama suffered a further indignity, when ahead of his visit to Laos the following week, the new Philippine President, Rodrigo Duterte, referred to him as “a son of a whore”. The official meeting between the two was cancelled, though they did meet privately. So not only are ordinary Americans showing signs of rebelling against the status quo at home, but foreigners, some of them very important, are as well.

What follows is an assessment of today’s geopolitical situation, based on a mixture of obtainable facts, background information, informed opinions, and reasoned deduction. Guesswork, eliminated as much as possible, is inevitably involved, particularly in assessing outcomes. The conclusions are not something anyone in the deep states of America and elsewhere will admit to or endorse, which paradoxically gives this article its importance.

This article assesses the failing American empire and the current state of the global power-play between China and Russia on one side, and America on the other. It summarises the importance of gold which is central to China’s financial strategy, and concludes that America is likely to be an accumulator of bullion, for strategic if not monetary reasons. It also looks at the challenges the top three major currencies will face next year, in the context of geopolitical developments to date.

Decline and fall

All empires eventually decline and usually their fiat currencies fall with them, which is what westerners are seeing today. In modern times, it has happened to the British, and now it is happening to the Americans. And when the decline starts, it proves impossible to stop. Either you accept it and retreat gracefully, as the British did giving up her colonies under Macmillan, or you fight it. The Americans are fighting it, which means the decline will be increasingly messy and dangerous. At the centre, directing strategy, is America’s deep state, the senior officials mostly in the intelligence services, who guide the President on security matters. They are obsessed with impeding by fair means or foul the foreign forces that in their paranoia they believe oppose them.

Every significant country has its own deep state. Presidents and prime ministers are not omniscient and need the guidance of experts in both domestic and international affairs. Naturally, this is why intelligence services are central to government, because they provide and present the most important information concerning risks to the state. It is these people who can wield the ultimate power behind elected politicians when it comes to external relations and domestic security, by managing information and influencing their decisions.

External relations are effectively under the control of the CIA in America, and MI6 in the UK. The world saw how dangerous these intelligence services can become when they fabricated intelligence about Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction. Make no mistake, these two intelligence services took it upon themselves to take us to war. It was clearly intended to pave the way for Saddam’s removal, and led to an appalling civil war between Sunnis and Shiites, as these religious factions sought supremacy in the power vacuum left by Saddam’s overthrow. Tony Blair was discredited, and is reviled by his former supporters. George W Bush was marginally luckier, only because America did not have a damaging Chilcot inquiry.

Then there was Libya, where Hillary Clinton took much of the rap, which could lose her the cherished presidency. The Arab Spring revolt, which started in Tunisia and was encouraged by developments in Libya, spread to Egypt and from there to much of the Arab world, including Syria. In Syria, formally a thriving, peaceful country tolerant of all religions, the CIA stirred up trouble, with the intention of overthrowing President Assad, whose crime was to be loyal to Russia. The lack of any foresight by the Americans has led to a refugee crisis that threatens to destabilise Europe, and was a major factor in the British referendum vote for Brexit. There is also Ukraine, and before that Georgia-Ossetia.

One could go on, listing the CIA’s failures and pyrrhic victories, which are all well documented if you are prepared to dig for the information. With hindsight, we can date the peak of American power to the second invasion of Iraq thirteen years ago. It has been gently downhill ever since, driven by the groupthink in the deep state that advises the President, rather than by China and Russia becoming a threat to the security of the west, as many might suppose.

The mistakes have been all America’s, assisted by her NATO handmaidens, and will continue to be so, and that was the point behind China’s snub at the G-20 meeting, and why a maverick politician in the Philippines can insult the greatest leader on earth and get away with it. It was a public signal that the new kids on the block, China Russia and the emerging economies in the Pacific, are fully aware that the world’s dominatrix is now an aging has-been, unable to crack her whip like she used to. Their own deep states probably saw this coming some time ago, and have played their cards defensibly, rarely being wrong-footed. They understand the dangers created by the power vacuum left on the world stage, and are responding not by seeking America’s dying role for themselves, but by securing their homelands, which in the case of China and Russia is most of the Eurasian continent.

Global power in 2017

In the thirteen years after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, China in partnership with Russia has evolved the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) from its roots as an intelligence-based anti-terrorist committee into a fully-fledged forum for economic cooperation. Importantly, China had the prescience to acquire as much gold as she could, having appointed the Peoples Bank for that function thirty-three years ago in 1983 (more on this below).

China has shown up the extent of America’s decline, by rising to become the world’s largest supplier of goods and user of commodities, purely based on providing the world with the goods it wants. In the last eighteen months she has laid much of the groundwork for her own financial security. With Russia, she has led the establishment of the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), which will be the financing channel for the future infrastructure development and industrialisation of all Asia.

China is modernising her own territory and expanding the middle class, which will soon be larger than the entire population of the United States. Her citizens, who are strong savers, are accumulating wealth, while westerners are seeing theirs destroyed. Additionally, China plans an industrial revolution encompassing the whole of Asia, starting with land and sea Silk Roads. What took Britain two hundred years for the Asian backwaters she plans to complete in a series of five-year plans. The demand generated for copper, cement, steel and energy will be massive and prolonged, which is why China is keen to deal directly with resource-rich suppliers. China plans to finance this incredible project using any money but dollars. So it is hardly surprising that some of America’s most dependable allies were quick to sign up to the AIIB as partners, because very big money talks very clearly.

With these ambitious projects in mind, China is establishing a new BRICKS bank, a potential rival for the IMF which will allow China and Russia to arrange their own supra-national financing, independently from any US interference. She has even persuaded, some would say blackmailed, the IMF to include the yuan in the SDR in order to accelerate the yuan’s international acceptability. Increasingly, she is settling trade in yuan, and planning sovereign-to-sovereign loans repayable in her own currency. While further depth is needed in her capital markets, much of the groundwork has already been laid, such as setting up new currency pairs, bypassing the dollar in the foreign exchanges, and by pricing oil and gold in yuan. And all this has occurred despite America’s firm grip on global trade settlement through the dollar with its reserve status.

2017 is shaping up towards a new phase. China now has the means to start funding resource-rich countries against their future income flows, much of which will be underwritten by Chinese demand. Target countries typically have high levels of government debt, and are acutely aware that they will be destabilised by the inevitable rise in dollar interest rates. Obvious candidates are Saudi Arabia and Venezuela, both major oil suppliers. They could include Canada, where intriguingly, Justin Trudeau only last week received Premier Li Keqiang after extending his own visit to China for a whole week over the G-20 meeting. China already controls the economies of much of sub-Saharan Africa, where she is building railways, and loans in yuan against future commodity supply are also likely to be extended.

If Canada is on China’s list, that will take her provokingly into America’s back yard, risking a response from America. But how is this all to be paid for, before BRICS becomes fully operational? The answer is simple. Initially, China will draw on her official currency reserves, estimated to be $3.2 trillion equivalent, the bulk of which is in US dollars. US Government debt can be sold down or transferred under swap deals for other parties to liquidate, at least until the US refuses to authorise the transfer of ownership. But this is an interim measure, which will ease the way to the yuan being more widely used for key commodity pricing and for Pan-Asian trade settlement.

The importance of gold investment

It is easy to forget that China’s economists thirty years ago were taught the Marxist line, that capitalism will destroy itself. Yet from about 1980 onwards, they found that supplying yuan for inward investment left the Peoples Bank accumulating growing quantities of dollars, which according to Marxian philosophy would one day be worthless. This led to regulations appointing the Peoples Bank as sole manager of the State’s precious metal acquisition programmei. So for China, the acquisition of gold would have originally been a logical diversification from accumulating dollars. But, presumably not wanting to create friction with the anti-gold Americans, gold purchases were not declared as official reserves, and were hidden in undeclared accounts.

China also embarked on a drive to increase mine output, and today she is the largest producer in the world by far, at about 460 tonnes last year. Refining has always been a state monopoly as well, taking in gold doré and ore from Mongolia and other countries. Much of this gold appears to be absorbed by the state, because state-refined bullion bars, as opposed to branded bars recast from SGE deliveries for retail, are rarely seen on international markets.

In the past I have speculated that this covert accumulation of gold over the last thirty-three years could amount to over 20,000 tonnes, taking into account the scale of inward investment flows, subsequent trade surpluses, contemporary prices, and supplies from western central banks and investors during the great gold bear market of 1981-2000. What originally started out as diversification from exposure to western fiat currencies at some stage became a strategic imperative, presumably when it became obvious to the Chinese that western central banks were leasing and swapping physical gold to be sold into the market. Whatever the total accumulated, the state obviously felt it had acquired enough gold by 2002 to permit the Chinese public to begin buying. The Peoples Bank established the Shanghai Gold Exchange that year for this purpose, and so far has delivered an additional 11,000 tonnes into public hands, net of scrappage.

It is clear that Russia places a similar importance on the accumulation of gold, having in recent years surprised western analysts by adding gold to her reserves, when the preservation of dollar reserves as ammunition to support a falling rouble was deemed to be more important. The extent of her undeclared holdings is obviously not known, but could be significant, though not on China’s scale. Furthermore, it is common knowledge that the US’s Exchange Stability Fund has in the past sold physical gold with a view to supporting the dollar, leading to speculation that the US’s official reserves are considerably less than stated.

Why does this matter? It matters because, despite the wishful thinking of the macroeconomists in the west, gold is still the ultimate form of money, at least in the eyes of the central banks which maintain and add to gold reserves, and more importantly the people and governments of the bulk of the Eurasian land mass. And given that today’s geopolitics is all about China and Russia versus the US, gold is the primary strategic money in a future financial conflict. Chinese analysts also know that the west is badly short of physical metal, with bullion banks running unallocated accounts on a fractional reserve basis for their customers. Bullion banks also suppress gold prices by supplying large quantities of paper gold in futures and options markets out of thin air to soak up speculative demand, positions either hedged into other paper, or not at all.

If China chose to do so, she could bring the west to its knees just by squeezing the market for physical gold. A western financial collapse would be a disaster for all, but China and Russia, together with their SCO partners would be the last men standing, so in that sense the ownership of gold bullion is the ultimate financial weapon. So what does America’s deep state do about it? It must accumulate physical gold as a matter of urgency. This is why, if the stories are true, it made sense for the CIA to smuggle out Libya’s and Ukraine’s gold under cover of the prevailing chaos, and why, far from suppressing the price, the new priority must be for the deep state to accumulate physical gold as rapidly as possible.

Currency implications

The gold story rumbles on, but the more visible topic is the growing likelihood of the old Marxian prediction about capitalism destroying itself turning out to be true, at least for the highly corrupted form we call western capitalism today. By a process of stealth, the economies of Europe and America have actually evolved towards a national socialist model, where the means of production remains in private hands, but the state controls and directs it through regulation. The collapse, if it happens, will have more in common with the failings of socialism, than with anything to do with free markets. And with economic collapse, so too goes the purchasing power of fiat currencies.

The most obvious currency danger is from the euro, for all the reasons we don’t need to go into here. However, Western Europe is seen by China as a trade partner at the end of her Silk Roads, potentially in need of her assistance. She has already bought control of Piraeus, Greece’s largest port, which will become one of her Silk Road terminals. The lesson here was rather like a spider with its web, China just waits patiently for opportunities to come her way.

When individual EU countries need rescuing from future banking and debt crises, it is reasonable to assume China will be willing to help, on her terms of course. At that point, NATO members, such as Italy and Germany, will be faced with a choice: is their future to be a vassal of America, or will it be better to be in a commercial partnership with China and Russia?

If the Eurozone disintegrates politically, the accompanying debt crisis is bound to undermine the euro. It seems unlikely that China will seek to support the euro, instead looking to benefit from the opportunities emerging from distress. She can support systemically important banks if it is in her interest to do so, despite the complete destruction of the euro. This, surely is already under discussion in Beijing. The question is one of price, which will involve both trade considerations and the use of the yuan. Japan is also at a crossroads, but is both physically and culturally closer to China. For the moment, the issue is not so much about currency, but about the failure of monetary and economic policy while in the American sphere of influence. At the political level, relations with China are volatile, reflecting both history and Japan’s alliance with America. But big Japanese corporations, the zaibatsu, work with China very well, employing many people in their manufacturing plants and buying other Chinese goods. The tension between Japan’s political and commercial objectives is therefore increasing all the time, which leads one to speculate how long it will be before commerce triumphs over politics. When that happens, we can expect Japan to join the AIIB, and move away from America’s political domination.

But we return to America, and her deep state. Not only has she made a frightful mess of Syria, opening the way for Russia to dominate the region politically, but she will see her Middle Eastern allies deserting the dollar, simply because they have little use for it, trade having shifted to China and now India. As China develops her parallel international financial markets, surplus dollars outside the US from the Middle East and elsewhere will almost certainly return home in growing quantities. This will obviously put enormous pressure on its purchasing power, necessitating a significant rise in interest rates to offset the price inflation effect. If this is allowed to happen, it will threaten to bankrupt big business in America, and even government itself. So what does America do?

These are the deep state’s likely options.

1. Accept reality and revise foreign strategy accordingly. Given the high level of groupthink and the remnants of cold war philosophy, it is difficult to envisage this being taken as an early option, if at all.

2. Prevent the Chinese from selling Treasuries by refusing bond transfers, and/or banning US banks from allowing currency transfers. The intention would be to hinder China’s plans to provide finance to commodity suppliers by transferring dollars and Treasury bonds to them, or simply selling down their holdings. The danger is this course of action will eliminate the dollar’s role as the world’s reserve currency for all foreign holders. The subsequent dollar crisis would likely escalate out of control.

3. Introduce exchange controls, restricting the return of offshore dollars in the belief that domestic purchasing power would be preserved. That would simply accelerate a collapse of the purchasing power of external dollars, increase the attractions of the yuan and gold as settlement currencies, and create shortages of imported raw materials for the US economy. The ghost of Smoot-Hawley would rattle its chains again.

4. Create more false flag operations, severe enough to encourage foreign speculators to maintain their dollar reserves.

The deep state is unlikely to accept that it’s Check Mate to China and Russia. Increasing desperation and the deep state’s groupthink place a high probability on the fourth option, another false flag operation, or a variant thereof. The world is at a critical juncture already with Syria, where the super-powers are at war through their proxies. Let’s just hope the fears expressed in this article over the senselessness of America’s future actions are overstated.

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